Learning Guide Share

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31 Responses to Learning Guide Share

  1. Jennifer Lape says:

    Would love to share content and see some of the samples.

  2. Leah DeAloia says:

    I am just beginning a course at University of Dayton to teach instructors how to develop/teach an online course. I would appreciate seeing your learning guide.

    • RobinSmith says:

      Hi Leah,

      So pleased University of Dayton is interested in using the Learning Guide. I will email a copy directly to you. Thank you for your request.


  3. Danielle Richards says:

    Would LOVE the Learning Guide Blueprint if available!

  4. Dawn Tush says:

    I don’t understand why I can’t locate the learning guide blueprint on my own. Can you please send it to me ASAP? I am teaching a college course to online instructors using your book and no one is able to locate this guide. Thank you.

  5. Mark Bryant says:

    I am taking a course through Southern Utah University to receive a certificate in teaching and would appreciate a copy of your learning guide, please?

  6. Mark Bryant says:

    I am taking a course to receive a certificate in teaching online through Southern Utah University and would appreciate it if you would email me a copy of your learning guide, please?

  7. Hi Robin,
    Can you please send the learning guide blueprint?

  8. Jaime D Renteria says:

    Great book, love this book, exactly what I need to be a successful online teacher. At New Mexico State University in the Online Teaching and Learning Cert. Program. Spring Semester 2016. Of course I have this book on eBook on my iPad and access it using Google Play Books. I would love to have the learning guide! Thanks for research into Educational Learning Technologies.

  9. Devon says:

    Hi Robin,

    I am the Director of Assessment at my institution, and I’m developing an online professional development assessment course for our faculty. Loving your book, could I possibly receive the Learning Guide Blueprint as well? Thanks!

  10. Carol says:

    Hello Robin,

    I am currently using your book to teach myself about online course creation. I would love to receive a copy of your Learning Guide to help me continue along. Thank you very much.

  11. Smith Jason says:

    Please send a copy of the Learning Guide Blueprint to me as well
    Thank you
    Jason W Smith

  12. Christine Leftwich says:

    Reading your book as part of an M.Ed course at APU. Are you still providing the learning guide blueprint?

  13. Larry W Newton says:


    I am currently developing an Introduction to Juvenile Delinquency course at Hillsborough Community College. I am interested in using the Learning Guide, but have not been able to locate it.

    Can you please forward one to me.


  14. Bill Welter says:

    Canyou send me the Learning Guide Blueprint? Thanks

  15. Erin Faherty says:

    Great book! Could I have a copy of the Learning Guide Blueprint?

  16. Allison Vaughn says:

    I am trying to download the Learning Guide Blueprint and cannot find it anywhere on the site. Thanks for any assistance.

  17. Gregory Phillip Cleveland says:

    Please e-mail a copy of the Learning Guide Blueprint to me at the address below. Thank you

  18. Mollye says:

    I would also LOVE the Learning Guide Blueprint if available!

  19. Betsy says:

    Is the learning guide Blueprint available?

  20. Stephanie Darrough-Butler says:

    I would love a copy of the Learning Guide Blueprint if it is available. I’m currently taking this course at UCSC. Thanks!

  21. Rema Nilakanta says:

    Hi Robin,
    I just bought your book and would love to have a copy of the Learning Guide Blueprint.

  22. Lalatendu Acharya says:

    Hi Robin.
    Can you share the Learning Guide Blueprint?


  23. Julie Chan says:

    Hi Robin,

    I won’t be very original: I’d like to get the Learning Guide Blueprint if it’s still available.

    Thanks for all the sharing by the way! Your book is a great help!

  24. Austin Gehret says:

    Just started reading your book in preparation for developing an online course. Would love to get a copy of the Learning Guide Blueprint. Thanks.

  25. Rolando Guzman Martinez says:

    I would love to have a sample of your Learning Guide so I can have a better picture of it, and share it with my faculty at Universidad de El Salvador.

  26. MA says:

    I am in a process of developing a course online. I would love to have the Learning Guide Blueprint, if possible.
    Thank you!

  27. Stuart Abbott says:

    Hi Robin,

    I am interested in using the Learning Guide Blueprint as part of a redesign of a PG course in Learning and Teaching at my institution in South Wales, UK. I would be grateful if you could send it?

  28. Stephanie Hughes says:

    Hi Robin,
    Would you mind sending me the learning guide blueprint and any examples you are willing to share?
    Thanks for your help!

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